Thank You Planet Comicon!

I want to thank everyone who stopped by my table to check out my artwork. I really appreciate it! I did very well and I’m happy with the outcome, except for the fact that my new comic, HOLES IN IT, barely sold at all. (as in, just 2 books sold.) I think it had something to do with my sales pitch, so I will need to retool it and see what happens at the next convention. My other comic, FRIK, sold very well, however! I’ll eventually post some photos but wanted to give a few highlights of the weekend:

1) Someone requested a custom “Frik in Cosplay Yoda” drawing. That will soon be added to my lineup of drawings to sell and I’ll post a pic eventually of it.

2) A family approached my table and after they looked at everything, the father handed me a sketchbook of his oldest daughter’s drawings, and asked for a critique. She made some amazing work for the short period of time she’s been drawing, so I encouraged her to keep doing it and that she was doing great. Her parents nudged her and said “See? We’re not the only ones who think this, will you take it seriously now?” and she agreed.

3) About 50 feet from my table was this gorgeous looking pickup truck with Star Wars decals all over it (it was part of the 501st display.) Unfortunately, every 10-15 mins the truck would blare two versions of the theme song, the Imperial March, and several sound effects. It was REALLY annoying, and I will make sure that I don’t get placed next to it next year if I do this again. When you’re behind a table for 7-10 hours a day, and you hear that on a loop every 10-15 mins, it gets old REALLY fast.

4) The dreaded “Are you the artist?” questions I get didn’t happen as much this time. Normally it’s the number one question I get, but this time only 2 people asked. I did have a higher than usual amount of people asking me if my hand drawn artwork was hand drawn, despite the sign being inches away from them, lol.

5) Conventions are incredibly hard to predict in terms of what will sell and what won’t. You just make sure you have enough of the things that do sell and hope you don’t run out before the end of the con. This time is no exception as things that rarely sell sold like crazy and other things that normally sell like crazy didn’t sell at all. Very frustrating to say the least. You can never predict! Never!

6) I am now the proud owner of a Jayne hat, so I have that going for me.

7) The biggest seller of “Frik In Cosplay” drawings was Harry Potter. The surprising one was that the Dr. Who and Tardis ones barely sold at all compared to other cons.

8) I had very cool table neighbors and that helped the time fly by faster. More on them later when the photos are posted.

9) I had a higher abundance of people “kicking the tires” with my FRIK comic and only buying Volume One instead of the whole three volume set. Probably twice as many bought Volume One than at past conventions. Because of this I had only 3 books left at the end of the con, so time to reorder! Unfortunately, they didn’t come back to buy the other volumes, so I’m trying not to take it personally, lol.

10) On the way out of town we stopped at my favorite pizza place, Waldo Pizza, down in south KC. If they had a STL location I would be in trouble, I think they’re probably my favorite pizza place ever. Downside, they no longer carry my favorite beer. Boo!

2 thoughts on “Thank You Planet Comicon!

  1. We stopped by and enjoyed everything you had out for lookers at Planet Comicon. I’m hoping to convince my Library to purchase some for our Graphic novels etc section. Cheers!

    • Sorry for the late reply. Thank you very much for that! That would be cool to have my work in a library.

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