How To Draw Characters

Attention children of earth! Your mission is to draw! Do you have what it takes? Do you like to draw? Do your parents need a break? If so, then this is for you!

Todd teaches in person group drawing classes around the St. Louis, Missouri area, including his Kids Comic Workshop series, Character Design, “How To Draw” classes, and General Drawing Skills classes.

Don’t live around the St. Louis area? Take his LIVE ONLINE CLASSES instead! Same classes!



TWO Session Course ($40 per child) - 45 min each session
This Junior workshop introduces kids to the basics of comic creation. Simple facial expressions, speech bubbles, understanding characters, storytelling, drawing one panel comics and finally their own mini comic book creation! There is also fun activities as well!

FOUR Session Course ($80 per child) - 45 min each session
The Beginner workshop teaches kids the comic process in more depth. They’ll learn detailed facial expressions, more speech bubbles and how to use them, character design, motion lines, sound effects, panel composition, writing stories, and finally drawing a single, three panel, and six panel comic of their very own.

-or- be 12+ years old.

FOUR Session Course ($100 per child) - 45 min each session
The Advanced workshop is aimed for older kids and goes even deeper in the comic making process. They will learn in depth character design, script writing, drawing techniques, shading, professional level speech bubbles, shot composition, panel layout and flow, thumbnailing, and a six page mini comic book as a final project.

AGES 8-11 or 12-18, ANY SKILL LEVEL
These one hour introduction classes happen from time to time to let you kick the tires, and they take various aspects from both full courses.

45 MIN CLASSES ($15 per child per class)

These classes give step by step instructions in teaching characters from the following:

Adventure Time (Ages 7-11)
Amazing World Of Gumball (Ages 7-11)
Angry Birds (Ages 6-11)
Bluey (Ages 6-11)
Captain Underpants (Ages 6-9)
Cartoon Animals - Limited List (Ages 6-11)
Cartoon Dragon (Ages 6-11)
Cartoon Monsters (Ages 6-11)
Classic Disney (Ages 6-11)
Dogman (Ages 6-9)
Minecraft (Ages 7-11)
Pokemon (Ages 6-11)
Spongebob Squarepants (Ages 7-11)
Star Wars (Ages 7-11)
Teen Titans GO (Ages 7-11)

Chances are high that not all classes will be taught consistently in person, so if your child REALLY wants to take one of these, it may be easier if you register for my LIVE ONLINE CLASS instead.

THREE Session Course ($60 per child) - 45 min each session
This course focuses purely on character design and the techniques taught can apply to any drawing style your child has. Several principles will be taught, including facial proportions and expressions, character scale, height/weight variations, different profiles, giving expressions to things without a face, exaggeration and body language, color palettes, silhouette comparisons, and ideas on how to make characters unique from one another.

This one hour introduction class happens from time to time to let you kick the tires, and is a condensed version of the full course.

One Hour Class ($20 per child)
This class teachings shading to help your child's drawings reach the next level. Techniques taught will be value scale, blending, hatching, cross hatching, and stippling. No prior drawing experience required.

Look at registration form to see how many seats are available


Sun, Dec.22 - Mon, Jan.06
All-day event

Don’t live in the St. Louis area to take these other classes? That’s ok, I can also teach versions of these online anywhere in the USA and Canada! Even if your winter break doesn’t fall exactly on the dates listed, I have a flexible schedule and can teach your children any time of day! Register for ONLINE CLASSES and you get to select the best days/times that work for you right in the form!


STAY TUNED FOR MORE CLASSES! You can still sign up for PRIVATE or ONLINE classes!

You do not have to stay. When you register there will be space for an emergency contact number in case I need to get a hold of you. Just keep your phone handy and make sure to get back before the class ends!

Please let me know at drop off or email the night before and I will write their contact info down. Thanks!

NO! All supplies are covered in the cost of class, however, if your child has a favorite pencil or something like that, then they can use it in class. Please note that no markers or pens are used in any of my classes, so they cannot use those.

I can teach anywhere in the St. Louis, Missouri area and have taught children in PRIVATE one on one classes, GROUP classes, BIRTHDAY PARTIES, GIRLSCOUT badge classes, and to HOMESCHOOL groups (CONTACT ME about those.)

For the vast majority of my classes there is no homework, however, for my Beginner and Advanced KIDS COMIC WORKSHOP classes, there will be some homework. (But it's fun homework so it doesn't count!)

For single session classes, your child will bring everything home. With the Beginner/Advanced Kids Comic Workshops, I will keep specific papers during the run of the course because I want to make sure they arrive back the following week when we need them. At the end of the course, however, your child will get everything back.

I've been an artist since I was eight years old, but since 2009 I've focused my artistic skills on creating three kid friendly comics, and sell them in my SHOP and at comic conventions around the Midwest.

The teaching path I'm currently on started in April 2015 when I was asked to teach a primitive version of my BEGINNER KIDS COMIC WORKSHOP to four 3rd grade classes at my son's elementary school during art class.

Within six months of that I was teaching an expanded version of that class to kids all around St. Louis. By end of that year God threw me in head first teaching grades 1-8 at a Charter school for four months full time as a substitute art teacher with zero teaching experience. Their regular art teacher was on maternity leave. (Talk about a boot camp!)

Since that time I've expanded and refined that comic course and have added numerous other classes. This is now my career and I teach my classes all around town as well as online!

No I won’t, but from time to time I do send out an email to everyone that is class specific, like reminding your child to bring homework back, that sort of thing.

No refunds will be given for weeks missed, sorry.

In the event that I am sick or some other situation comes up and I cannot conduct class that day, I will first try to reschedule the class, if that does not succeed then you WILL get reimbursed for the missed class.

Yes but it depends on the need. My son is high functioning autistic, so I am more versed in the autistic world than anything else. If the child has more severe needs, the parent or guardian must be present with the child to help them through class, because I won't be able to devote a lot of time to individual children. You can leave me a note during registration about the needs of your child.

I use SQUARE for all credit card transactions through this site. It's just like Paypal (but better) and is perfectly secure! I will also accept cash only on the first day of the course. (exact change please.) No checks allowed! I also do not use Venmo or other similar payment options. The course must be paid in full before it begins or right at the start of the first class. No late payments will be accepted!

I usually do not have a wait list for my classes, however, keep an eye out on my upcoming class schedule for the class you're interested in. If it says "walk ins are accepted", show up the day of class and pay by cash (exact change.) There will always be one or two who sign up who don't show up, so you will be safe!

Space is often limited so I prefer you sign up online to reserve your seat. There may not be any left if you walk in the day of. If you still want to do this, please make sure to check the class information on this site as ir will say if walk ins are allowed or not for a particular class.

The gallery is located at:
21 North Gore Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119


There is limited street parking in front of the gallery, however, there is a two level parking garage directly behind the building where you will have better luck finding a parking spot.

All registrations are handled through my website here. The gallery has no way of taking registrations or collecting money for me. I am not associated with them and only rent their classroom space to teach my classes.

Not easily. They will just redirect you to my website, which you are already on if you are reading this. I will always keep an updated seat availability count here on this page.

All payments are through me, whether on my website (for credit card payments), or cash, the day of the first class you signed up for. I am not associated with the Green Door Gallery other than renting the classroom space to teach classes. They have no other connection with me when it comes to my classes.

The teaching space is in the very back of the gallery. All students MUST be accompanied by an adult per the gallery's request and cannot come in by them self.

No, I have no connection with the gallery other than being able to rent out their classroom space for my classes.

Unfortunately, there's not enough room in the classroom for parents to hang out and watch, but you are more than welcome to look at all the wonderful artwork in the gallery while class is going on. You also have the option to leave the gallery and come back at the end of class.

In the registration form is a space for an emergency contact number, so in the event I need to get a hold of you I will call the primary number you give first, followed by the emergency number.

The prerequisite to take my ADVANCED KIDS COMIC WORKSHOP is to either be 12+ years old OR have taken the 8-11 year old multi-session BEGINNERS comic workshop, HOWEVER, being accepted into this course is on a case by case basis as some younger kids may not be ready for the Advanced class.

Sometimes I teach an one hour introductory class that lightly goes over topics covered in the full courses. If you are interested, please CONTACT me! This is great for group events!

Sure, but I wouldn't go older than 13 as some of what I teach in the Beginner class may be beneath their skill level. Having 11 years old as the cut off is really arbitrary and is based on the range I think would get the most out of this course. If you feel your kid will benefit from learning the basics then by all means sign up, but I also have an ADVANCED KIDS COMIC WORKSHOP that is for 12+ that may be more their speed.

I have a two week JUNIOR KIDS COMIC WORKSHOP that is specific to 6-7 year olds, so they should take that before attempting the BEGINNER workshop. Now having said that, if they did take the Junior class and are 7 years old, I will definitely consider letting them into the Beginners class, but I wouldn't go below that age as a lot of what I teach in this class will go over the 6 year olds heads.

The Comic Workshops are designed so that what is taught from one session to the next is carried over to the following sessions, allowing the child to use what they've learned. Walk ins for any individual sessions is not permitted after the first session.

Did I miss a question? Please CONTACT ME if there’s something I didn’t cover! Thanks!