Brownie Art & Design


Girl Scout Art and Design Badge


Brownie Girlscouts (2nd-3rd grade)

In this class your troop will learn about patterns, colors, and incorporating what they learn into their drawings!

Class Pic

  • I have a flexible schedule that works with you.
  • I can teach this IN PERSON (St. Louis MO area), or ONLINE for out of town troops!
  • Class is one hour long. $8.00 per Girl Scout.
  • I accept Credit Cards/Cash (In person classes) (No checks please)



(Clicking map will open it up in a new tab.)
see below
see below

see below
see below
(Clicking map will open it up in a new tab.)

Outside of the yellow zone is too far for me to travel to, but you can take this as a live ONLINE class instead. (Minimum 3 girls applies.) Troop not big enough or you’re a Juliette Troop? Team up with another troop around you (or ask around online!) and I’ll teach you all at once!
* = Gas fee is in addition to per girl price.

Todd Pic In ClassMy name is Todd Tevlin and I've been an artist since I was eight years old and studied many mediums, but since 2006 I've focused on mixed media digital abstract art and I've been a comic artist since 2009 selling my work at comic conventions around the Midwest.

KCW Class PicIn 2015 I started teaching my KIDS COMIC WORKSHOP to 8-11+ year olds in the St. Louis, MO area. Since that time, I've added afterschool, homeschool classes as well as Girl Scout badges and live online courses. It's become my new career and I will keep adding more classes!

Brownie Art and Design Badge CloseupWhat I teach will meet these badge requirements to earn the Brownie Art & Design Badge.

Step One: (Choice 3) Learn from a maker.
Step Two: (Choice 1) Explore color.
Step Three: (Choice 3) Explore patterns and symmetry.
Step Four: (Choice 2) Create art about your world.
Step Five: *is not part of this course as it's about displaying their art.

Fill out the form below to register. Have questions? Please CONTACT me! Go HERE if you want to see what other badges I teach.

Security Code:
security code
Please enter the security code:


After registration, we will work out a time/date for the class. A couple of days before class, I will email you the class link (Zoom) as well as a PDF for them to print out, along with other instructions. This email is forwarded to the parents.

I will open up the class about ten minutes before start time. Content is exactly the same as the in person classes. I have a camera pointed down at my desk so they can see what I'm doing, along with supplemental slides I show on screen.

Once class is over, I will email you an invoice for payment through SQUARE, the same credit card processing system that I use if I came physically to your troop meeting for class. I wait till day of class to send invoice in order to get an accurate head count.

1) Each girl needs a large screen display (laptop, desktop, tablet) so they can see what I'm drawing or showing. (no cellphones, if possible.) A camera on the device is also needed so I can see them in return.

2) High speed internet is a must for everyone.

3) PHOTOGRAPHY / DIGITAL MOVIEMAKER BADGES: A secondary device for them to take and edit photos/videos during class. (can't use same device they are watching the class from.)

4) COMIC ARTIST BADGE: Each girl needs paper, pencils, and colored pencils or similar. I will also provide a PDF to send to parents to print worksheets for class.

5) DRAWING BADGE: Each girl needs paper, pencil, a 12" ruler, an ink pen (or sharpie), and colored pencils and one other drawing implement for the homework. I will also provide a PDF to send to parents to print worksheets for class.

6) JUNIOR ART & DESIGN BADGE: Each girl needs paper, pencil, a 12" ruler, and a still life object. (I'll email details a couple days before class.)

Absolutely! I've taught many troops online who were together at the same location. You would need to plug your laptop into the TV via HDMI cable, and then only you need access to the Zoom link to connect. This way everyone sees my screen nice and big.

It is NOT recommended to all meet in the same place and have each girl individually connect to Zoom with their own device. That will slow your internet down and cause problems in the long run. If everyone is in one place, you only need one connection.

Sorry but I have a policy to not allow recording of my classes, so they will have to miss it.

1) PHOTOGRAPHY / DIGITAL MOVIEMAKER BADGES: A secondary device for them to take and edit photos/videos during class. (can't use same device they are watching the class from.)

2) COMIC ARTIST BADGE: Each girl needs paper, pencils, and colored pencils or similar. I will also provide a PDF to send to parents to print worksheets for class.

3) DRAWING BADGE: Each girl needs paper, pencil, a ruler, an ink pen (or sharpie), and colored pencils and one other drawing implement for the homework. I will also provide a PDF to send to parents to print worksheets for class.

4) JUNIOR ART & DESIGN BADGE: Each girl needs paper, pencil, a 12" ruler, and a still life object. (I'll email details a couple days before class.)

Yes, it's the same price regardless if it's online or in a physical building. The only difference is my "coverage" map located on each class page no longer applies (as well as gas fees) as I can now teach these to troops across the United States.

The minimum number of girls to hold an online class is three and there is no max really, BUT, if it's more than twenty, please CONTACT me and we'll work something out logistically.

Although the Drawing badge became a Legacy badge towards the end of 2023, I am still offering this as a class because it's not technically discontinued by the Council, you just won't earn a physical badge for it anymore. This is now considered a "for fun" type class that I can teach your troop, for those who really want to learn more about drawing.

Having said that, the Junior ART & DESIGN badge has replaced the Drawing badge, and I will indeed teach it while keeping it drawing specific as the requirements are more loose in its interpretation than the previous badge.

Towards the end of 2023 the Drawing badge turned into a Legacy badge and was replaced with the Junior "Art & Design" badge. Thankfully the requirements are loose enough where I was able to carry on with many of the projects I taught inside the Drawing badge.

What this means is if your troop has previously taken the Drawing badge with me, unfortunately, they will not be able to take the Art & Design badge as they have already learned everything I will be teaching in it.

Absolutely! I've taught photography to Ambassador level troops and "How To Draw" classes to Daisies. I also still teach the Legacy DRAWING badge as a fun activity. Please CONTACT me and we'll work something out!

I wait till the day of class to get an accurate head count as sometimes not everyone shows up. Once class is concluded I will email you an invoice from SQUARE, the same credit card processing center that I use if I were to physically come to your meeting to teach class.

Absolutely! Each troop has to register separately, so have the other leaders put in the notes section that they are teaming up with your troop and give your name and troop number so I can connect the dots.

Here is my coverage map for driving distance. Green zone = No extra charge. Yellow zone = $10 additional gas fee. Red zone = As of June 2021 I no longer drive to the red zone or beyond. Please take the live ONLINE version of these classes instead! Same content and same registration form.

(clicking it opens bigger version in a new tab)

YES but finding badges I'm capable of teaching can be difficult. There are several factors in finding one that works, including the right mix of what I teach (and feel comfortable teaching) versus what their homework is, and several other factors. Please CONTACT me and we can discuss possibilities!

Unfortunately, no because the art supply costs are too high.

Although the Drawing badge became a Legacy badge towards the end of 2023, I am still offering this as a class because it's not technically discontinued by the Council, you just won't earn a physical badge for it anymore. This is now considered a "for fun" type class that I can teach your troop, for those who really want to learn more about drawing.

Having said that, the Junior ART & DESIGN badge has replaced the Drawing badge, and I will indeed teach it while keeping it drawing specific as the requirements are more loose in its interpretation than the previous badge.

Yes, but not in supplies. I will email you specifics after you sign up.

Towards the end of 2023 the Drawing badge turned into a Legacy badge and was replaced with the Junior "Art & Design" badge. Thankfully the requirements are loose enough where I was able to carry on with many of the projects I taught inside the Drawing badge.

What this means is if your troop has previously taken the Drawing badge with me, unfortunately, they will not be able to take the Art & Design badge as they have already learned everything I will be teaching in it.

Absolutely! I've taught photography to Ambassador level troops and "How To Draw" classes to Daisies. I also still teach the Legacy DRAWING badge as a fun activity. Please CONTACT me and we'll work something out!

You pay the day of class and when I'm finished teaching. That way we will know the exact head count as often times some girls don't show up. I accept cash or credit card. No checks please.