Update On Normlings Issue #3

Normlings #3 ThumbSome of you may be wondering what the delay with NORMLINGS issue #3 is, but since the start of the year, I’ve actually been working on it hard core so it’s ready to sell at the ST. LOUIS COMIC CON on JUNE 23-24th. If you haven’t been following me on social media, here’s an update on what is going on.

Right now I’m currently in the rough sketch phase. The red pencil lines are a little trick I do to save time later. Basically, I’ll go over the red lines with my final regular pencil lines, then I ink it all. Having two colored pencil lines helps me know which lines to ink, and after this step, I will erase everything.

Often times the pencil lines aren’t fully erased due to the tooth of the paper, so when I scan each page into my computer, I remove all traces of the red lines using saturation sliders in Photoshop. This limits the amount of clean up work I have to do. It may not sound like it saves time but it really does.

As far as the future of the comic goes, I already have Issue #4’s scripts written. I want to try to stay one issue ahead writing wise, that way I can keep the machine moving. As always, check back for future updates and see how the progress is going!

Thanks for reading!